International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Transactions
( A monthly, Peer Reviewed journal)
Call for Papers
Dear Authors,
We would like to invite you to contribute a unpublished Research articles for publication in IJMRT. We publish original research articles, case study, review articles, technical notes and short communication. Papers published in IJMRT will receive very high publicity and acquire a very high reputation.
Frequency: 12 Issues per Year
Accepted Language: English and other languages
Area of concentration: All Disciplines
Double Blinded Review Process
Zero Level Plagiarism Tolerance
Peer-review process by editorial board members
Benefits for Authors:
Soft Copy of Certificate
Tracking articles easily
Publishes both print and online
Note: Deadline for submission of Research Articles: 20th of every month.
Submission Process:
You can email us your papers/manuscript (Ms word file format) directly to for earliest processing.
For any information, please feel free to contact:
Editor-in-Chief - (IJMRT)
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Transactions